TherapyHive Membership Directory
A Directory for Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Creative Art Therapists, Marriage & Family Therapists, Mental Health Counselors, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners, Dieticians and Wellness Practitioners.
About TherapyHive Directory
TherapyHive Membership Directory is an invite-only memberspace of mental health professionals. Our interconnected network of dedicated clinicians is committed to excellence in mental health care.
Our network has a dual approach: It connects you with colleagues and is a searchable online directory for patients. Showcase your unique skills, qualifications and therapeutic approach in your customizable profile.
Our high-ranking SEO on the TherapyHive website will direct patients more efficiently to you making TherapyHive a valuable referral source for your practice.
TherapyHive uses a verification process to ensure all therapists have valid licenses.
Steps to Join
Create TherapyHive Account
Create TherapyHive Directory Profile
TherapyHive Admin will review and approve your profile
Once approved, you will be live on the directory and able to connect with potential patients
Membership Plan
Annual Listing Fee: $49/ renewable yearly
Benefits Included:
Meet and Connect with more colleagues
Learn about valuable resources
Increase your referral sources
Network with the TherapyHive community and receive other member benefits
Visibility to potential clients seeking therapy services
Showcase your qualifications, specialties, and treatment approaches