Let TherapyHive
Be Your Virtual Office


A virtual office is now more important than ever. For many, working from home is the best option but it requires the need to maintain a professional presence separate from your home address.

The Virtual Office membership lets your clients know you still have a connection to New York City with a convenient, centrally located 5th Avenue address. It allows insurance companies and other important correspondence to stay professional and allows for a seamless transition when you are ready for in-person work.

The virtual memberships are available with a month-month agreement. They were created for individuals and group practices . You have the option to collect your mail in the TherapHive suite or have it forwarded to your home address.

When you're ready for in-person work, TherapyHive offers different office plans including on-demand, part-time, and full-time options.

Let TherapyHive Be Your Virtual Office and Business Address. 

Your membership starts with:

  • A physical business address for Mental health and wellness providers.

  • Professional address for insurance, licensing and other important correspondence.

  • Maintain a professional presence and image with a 5th Avenue, NYC address.

  • Flexible membership options for virtual office.

  • Keyless door system app for access to the suite.

  • Discounted membership to the TherapyHive Directory.

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Self Service Mail Pick-up

The HIVE One Option gives you access to a mailbox at the TherapyHive suite on 5th Ave. You can pick-up your mail at your convenience. The keyless entry appt allows you access to the suite using your smartphone. Choose from one of the following membership plans.


  • Individual practitioner

  • Allows you to access the TherapyHive suite to pick up your mail.

  • Pick up at your convenience.

  • Keyless door system app for access to the suite.

  • Discounted TherapyHive Directory membership


  • A practice with 2-5 therapists

  • Allows you to access the TherapyHive suite to pick up your mail.

  • Pick up at your convenience.

  • Keyless door system app for access to the suite.

  • Discounted TherapyHive Directory membership


  • A practice with 6-9 therapists

  • Allows you to access the TherapyHive suite to pick up your mail.

  • Pick up at your convenience.

  • Keyless door system app for access to the suite.

  • Discounted TherapyHive Directory membership

***PLEASE see FAQS regarding what is allowed with the use of a Virtual office.

Can I use this address to verify my business with Google?

Virtual members are not physical users of the space so they cannot “Google verify this address”. This is only available to members with a physical office with a specific office number, ie an actual office within the suite.

Additionally, the address cannot be used for Google verification as TherapyHive “owns” the address.


Monthly Mail Forwarding Service

The Hive Two Membership forwards your mail to any address within the contiguous (lower 48) United States on a monthly basis. This is a great option for people who are unable to pick up their mail from the TherapyHive suite. Choose a membership plan below.


  • Individual practitioner

  • Your mail is forwarded to your home address

  • Mail sent to one (1) address only

  • Forward through USPS monthly

  • Discounted TherapyHive Directory membership


  • A practice with 2-5 therapists

  • Your mail is forwarded to your home address

  • Mail sent to one (1) address only

  • Forward through USPS monthly

  • Discounted TherapyHive Directory membership


  • A practice with 6-9 therapists

  • Your mail is forwarded to your home address

  • Mail sent to one (1) address only

  • Forward through USPS monthly

  • Discounted TherapyHive Directory membership

***PLEASE see FAQS regarding what is allowed with the use of a Virtual office.

Can I use this address to verify my business with Google?

Virtual members are not physical users of the space so they cannot “Google verify this address”. This is only available to members with a physical office with a specific office number, ie an actual office within the suite.

Additionally, the address cannot be used for Google verification as TherapyHive “owns” the address.

Virtual Office FAQs

Can I use this address to verify my business with Google?

The address cannot be used for Google verification as Therapyhive owns the address.

Virtual members are not physical users of the space so they cannot google verify this address. This is only available to tenants with a physical office with a specific office number, ie an actual office within the suite.

You can add the address to the Google business page so it is searchable and shows up on Google Maps. That is proof enough to google that you have your business at this address.

The other option is to become a physical office tenant and have the use of a specific office number that can be used to verify.

How is TherapyHive different from a Postal Box at the post office?

We provide you with a real office address on Fifth Avenue in The Flatiron. You can receive all your business correspondence to pick up or have forwarded. These membership plans are Month to Month.

What is the difference between HIVE ONE and HIVE TWO Memberships?

HIVE ONE allows you access to the suite in the Flatiron on 5th Avenue to pick up the mail in person at your convenience.

HIVE TWO allows you to have your mail forwarded to any address in the US (Lower 48) on a monthly basis. Different size practices can be accommodated with our various levels.

How do I pick up my mail for a HIVE One Membership?

TherapyHive uses a keyless door system app. You will download the app on your smartphone for access to the suite.

When can I pick up my mail?

The building is open from 7 am to 10 pm on weekdays and from 8 am to 6 pm on weekends.

I have more than one person in my practice. Can I have multiple people on my Virtual Office Membership?

We have several plans to choose from depending on the size of your practice. From individual users to “corporate” for practices of up to 9 people.

Is it possible to charge my credit card each month?

Yes, this is a monthly membership; payments will be made monthly through an automated system on our platform.

Do you offer a refund if I cancel my subscription with less than 30 days' notice?

Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds for cancellations made with less than 30 days' notice. As outlined in our policy, we require a 30-day notice for cancellations.

Does the Membership include access to an office?

The membership doesn’t include access to an office, however, we have an on-demand office that can be rented for a daily rate. See the single-day page under In-person offices or linked here: on-demand offices


Expanding Virtual Office to NJ and California

Are you looking to get licensed or are licensed in one of these states and need a business address? We’ve got you covered.

We are expanding our services to include the ability to have a virtual office in NJ and California. Please fill out the form below to join the waitlist if you are interested in a NJ or CA virtual membership.

If you have questions, email info@therapyhivenyc.com.